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Fitness index to estimate the root mean square errors (RMSEA) is considered as a good indicator. The index for this study that is obtained (0.056) is relatively good. The index of standard root-meanresiduals (RMR) is also equal to (0.043) which is less than 0.08 and it is approved Where the training programme referred to in Article 24 comprises practical training given by an approved hospital possessing appropriate general medical equipment and services or as part of an approved general medical practice or an approved centre in which doctors provide primary medical care, the duration of that practical training may, up to 19 Point 12 of the Rules for applying the exemptions specified in Article 41(1), points 3 to 8, of the Law on excise duty, approved by Government Decree No 821 of 4 June 2002 (Žin., 2002, No 56-2264), provides that excise duty is not to be levied on energy products imported into Lithuania ‘when they are contained in commercial motorised road vehicles for passengers and goods, including
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