↵* These authors contributed 24 Nov 2020 and J.H. contributed equally to this work. E-mail: simmel@tum.de. Phone: +49 89 289 11610. Fax: + E‐mail: simmel@tum.de · Search for more papers by this author. First published: 29 June 2020.
27 Oresme and the Bachelor Molecular Biotechnology (TUM) Master Biochemistry (TUM) Simmel helps bringing together the expertise of different research groups in their 15 Apr 2021 simmel@tum.de. Dept of Physics, Technical University Munich, Germany. Protein & Viral Nanostructures. Nicole Steinmetz Description: email 25 Jan 2016 Citation: Ramalho T, Meyer A, Mückl A, Kapsner K, Gerland U, Simmel FC (2016) Single Cell Analysis of a Bacterial Sender-Receiver System. 8 Dec 2017 Simmel can be reached by phone at +49 289 11610 or by email at simmel@tum. de.
E‐mail: simmel@tum.de Search for more papers by this author Alessandro Cecconello Physics Department, TU München, Am Coulombwall 4a/II – 85748 Garching b., München, Germany Simmels stora upptäkt . . .
25.04.2016 , Research news Nine scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) won out in the latest round of ERC grants. The projects receiving funding are in the disciplines Medicine, Physics and Informatics and deal with a highly varied range of topics such as investigation of autoimmune diseases, innovative algorithms and bio-nanotechnology. In 2005, Prof. Simmel qualified as a lecturer in experimental physics at LMU. He has been Chair of Experimental Physics (Physics of Synthetic Biological Systems) at TUM since 2007. Since 2013, Prof. Simmel has been a member of acatech - the National Academy of Science and Engineering. simmel@tum.de Links Homepage Page in TUMonline Group Physics of Synthetic Biological Systems Job Title Professorship on Bio-Nano Technology and Bio-Electronics Courses and Dates.
The project will be conducted in the research groups of Professors Hendrik Dietz and Friedrich Simmel at the Physics Department of TUM. The position is available from August 1, 2018. 2016-03-18
Amphiphilic compounds have a strong tendency to form aggregates in aqueous solutions. It is shown that such aggregation can be utilized to fold cholesterol‐modified, single‐layered DNA origami structures into sandwich‐like bilayer structures, which hide the cholesterol modifications in their interior. Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship/scholarship in DNA-based soft robotics at the Technical University Munich in Garching, Germany (TUM). The project will be conducted in the research group of Professor Friedrich Simmel at the Physics Department of TUM. The position is available from August 1, 2018. Research area and project description:
Electronic address: simmel@tum.de. PMID: 29802035 DOI: 10.1016/j.molmed.2018.05.001 Abstract DNA-based nanorobots have been shown to sense and respond to molecular triggers, such as intracellular pH and cell surface receptors.
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A recent report describes DNA nanorobots as potential cancer therapeutic agents that can be programmed to trigger coagulation inside blood vessels at the tumor site, … 9 Physics of Synthetic Biological Systems (E14), Physics Department, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany. simmel@tum.de. 10 Division of Physical Biology and Bioimaging Center, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, CAS Key Laboratory of Interfacial Physics and Technology, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. fchh@sinap.ac.cn.
Lehrstuhl für Systembiophysik, Physik‐Department – E14 und ZNN‐WSI, Technische Universität München, Am Coulombwall 4a,
Communication between artificial cells is essential for the realization of complex dynamical behaviors at the multi‐cell level.
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His father, Eduard Simmel (1810–1874), a prosperous businessman and convert to Roman Catholicism, had founded a confectionery store called "Felix & Sarotti" that would later be taken over by a chocolate manufacturer. Artificial transmembrane channels are of interest for applications, such as sensing and modifying cell signaling.
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small 3 (10), 1688-1693, 2007. 142, 2007. In 2005, Prof. Simmel qualified as a lecturer in experimental physics at LMU. He has been Chair of Experimental Physics (Physics of Synthetic Biological Systems) at TUM since 2007. Since 2013, Prof.