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2018-05-29 I highly respect your expertise and opinion, so you can imagine my delight over your letter. It’s so nice to hear our employees really do go the extra mile as we encourage them so often. Your letter made my day. What a way to start the day–a warm, complimentary letter from a valued customer. Thank you so much for letting us know how you Monia käännettyjä esimerkkilauseita, jotka sisältävät "thank you for your participation" - suomi-englanti-sanakirja ja hakukone suomen käännöksille.

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Dear members of the Entrepreneurship Campus, Congratulations to all the contestants who participated in the 2019 edition of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, on the first edition of the Tourism Competition, and the General Competition. We are very happy with. Thank you for being a key part of this chain. 8) Employees like you are the epitome of professionalism. Thank you for bringing your best to work every single day.

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Thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm; it helped us to make the project a success. Thank you for giving it your best shot! Shine on the team, well done. Thank you for putting all your focus on the work, you guys!

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Thank you for all your effort! Thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm; it helped us to make the project a success. Thank you for giving it your best shot! Shine on the team, well done. Thank you for putting all your focus on the work, you guys!

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Thank you for all your effort! Thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm; it helped us to make the project a success. Thank you for giving it your best shot! Shine on the team, well done. Thank you for putting all your focus on the work, you guys! It was impossible to achieve the goals without everyone’s full effort and willingness!
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GL Discussion. I was not able to partake in the FFBE live Stream, therefore I want to thank all of you who did. Reporter: Thank you for your participation and our proposal is to meet again, very soon, to continue your story from the 22nd of December and tell us about the way the Army was commanded in the first days after the dictator was overthrown. We know creating a thank you letter or email from scratch can be a challenge. Here we share our top thank you letter tips, plus our seven best thank you letter templates.

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……. (Poem by Massell I. Smith, as cited in Shadden, Barbara B., et al. Neurogenic Communication Disorders : Life Stories and the Narrative  By continuing to use the site you are agreeing to the use of essential cookies. The Aalto ARTS Annual Review is an event of looking back at the past year It's about giving thanks to our community who made all of the success happen.